20 May 2015

SR600 Fuji -- Third Time's the Charm?

I tried the SR600 Fuji permanent course twice in 2013.  The first time I had wildly underestimated the time required, and quickly realized I would not be able to get back to Tokyo in time for various work-related items.  I rode to Ueda (halfway), did the climb to Utsukushigahara, then returned to Ueda and hopped the train home.  The second time, Jerome and I made it to Ueda almost on schedule ... but a typhoon was coming straight at Yamanashi, and we decided to abandon.

Jerome tried twice more in 2014, and eventually made it within the 52 hour time limit.  But it was not an "official" effort.

Completion of this SR600 is clearly a major hole in our Audax accomplishments.  At this point just about all the hardened Audax riders of Japan have done it.  So this time we will both do it within the rules, with Brevet card and rule book in hand, and will NOT abandon absent extreme circumstances -- volcanoes are a bit of a worry this year.

My start is 2AM Friday morning.  Jerome's 330AM.  Tanaka-san, our 2013/2014 Fleche team leader, will join, riding with Jerome.  Ideally they will catch me at Shibu Toge.  The road between Kusatsu and Shirane-san closes at 5PM due to ... volcanic gases/warnings.  So that requires the early starts.


Anonymous said...

What a horrible start! Did the horrendous all night thunderstorm that kept me awake in Machida hit the route?

David Litt said...

Sorry, anonymous.
I meant our start is 2AM Friday morning, not Thursday morning. 24 hours later. Should be beautiful weather the entire way!
Will correct the blog now.